Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Live Blog of the Final Presidential Debate

Here we go! 

I'm about to start my live blog. I plan to write up the questions asked, and write down bullet points with my personal thoughts on the candidates' views and answers.

I missed the first point here while getting set up and quieting down with everyone at my house, so I'll start when they get to the 2nd point. 

2. The Deficit. Both parties plans would add 200 billion dollars to the deficit. How do they plan to cut that? What programs will they trim?

- Wants to go through the National Budget and go page by page to see what is worth keeping and what they can cut to save money. 
- Once the crisis is over, America will need to embrace responsibility for their country.

- Goverment spending has gone completely out of control.
- Plans to freeze government spending (hatchet and THEN scalpel)
- Doesn't believe ethanol is worth investing in. 

- A scalpel is needed to carefully and skillfully trim and cut the budget. 

- Seems to be coming out tonight with more energy...still semi-hacking Obama. "Let's look at the record." He's still attacking Obama for voting for tax-raises. 

- "You've been a supporter of Bush"
- Believes that McCain will bring about the same of the last 8 years

3. Leadership in the Campaign. Are the Candidates Willing to Say the Same Things in their Adds to Each Other's Face.

-It's been a tough campaign. It could have been a lot better. 

- People are less interested in the candidates personal hurt feelings by the TV adds, and more interested in hearing about the real issues. 
- The American people have become so cynical about the political tit for tat. They're sick of the back and forth argument. 

-There's always fringe people at rallies who will say something out of line. But the majority of the people shouldn't been corrected. They're fine Americans who are worthy of admiration

-It's important that the candidates disagree without being disagreeable.  

4. Who will the Candidates Bring in to the White House? Why would the Candidates Running Mates Be A Better President than the Opposing Running Mate?

-Joe Biden has always fought for the little guy, for working families. He shares my ideals, and vision for the country. 

-Sarah Palin is a role model, a reformer. She saw corruption and she resigned. She negotiated with the oil companies. "Bresh of Freth Air". 

This isn't really working.... :( 

I'll post my more conclusive thoughts later. :)


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