Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Final Presidential Debate

Tonight is the final debate between the two presidential candidates Barack Obama and John McCain, which I'm very excited about!! I will be "live blogging" this event as I watch.

In one sense of the word, the "debates" this election really have lived up to what they're name. There's been copious amounts of back and forth arguing, finding loopholes in the other debater's arguments, and promoting their own view.

Yet on the other hand, this elections' debates have had a sharp contrast to the presidential debates of younger generations. Politics in general have become about politics, not about the people. This thought has made its way into our contemporary debates, and now to the layman, it would appear that the only plan of both parties and nominees is to hack and slice their opponents views. Personally, I've been disgusted at nominees' lack of discussion of real issues, and really showing the people who they are. Although I'm a Republican, I'll be the first to admit that John McCain has many faults, including his lack of energy, seemingly limited vision for the country, and recently, his inability to accurately articulate his plan to save our economy. Barack Obama on the other hand, seems to be the best orator at talking about the least amount of real issues. His message of change, although attractive and full of pathos, when viewed objectively, seems quite vague. Additionally, how can we trust a man to bring about change who, in his years in office, has not authored one single bill or brought a proposed bill to pass.

So these are my thoughts. I'm hoping this debate will prove my cynicism towards the recent political activity wrong. I'm hoping that the candidates will talk to the people openly, actually answer the questions asked without diverting, and will explain their plans, hopes, and vision for our country simply and concisely. 

Here we go!

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